

A few weeks ago Robyn Arjay Creations and I went and spent the day learning how to crochet. We went to a class at Kim Bradley Creations and the amazing Cath was our teacher.


Some of the items that everyone completed on the day.


I have been teaching myself by watching youtube which is a life saver. You can stop and replay when I get it wrong.

So this week I made a small blanket for one of my children who is a fan of the Western Sydney Wanders which is a soccer team.


My next crochet project is to make myself a shawl. It’s called Nordic Shawl.


I think it will take a while to complete this project.

Sam xxx

Sunday reading

Sunday reading

I’m going to (try) and share some blogs I follow or come across each week.

They will be about some of things I love like craft, sewing, knitting, simple living, homesteads plus anything else I might find.

So to start this Sunday enjoy

Down to Earth by Rhonda
Sewing the Seasons by Robyn
What’s mummy up to by Wendy
One hundred dollars a month by Mavis
To find a silver lining by Elizabeth
Quilt kitty loves life by Tracee

I’m working on a new blog/website for my other love Four Red Hens


Enjoy your Sunday

Love Sam


Weekend craft

Just a quick update. This weekend I decided to try my hand at knitting. My mum knits so its my turn by myself.

I have been reading a few blogs about knitting dishclothes. I can here you say Why when you can buy them so cheap.

Will for me I love them. I bought some at a craft day and have fallen in love with them.

So here is a link if you want to make some also. If you do please send me some pic.

“Very Pink Link” for pattern

Here is what Im up to. (I will update with a new photo when I’m finished)
